This music is truly inspirational. I’m a life member of Magnatune – supporting and promoting budding new artists, and worthy causes. Kindly replace your wallet, cheque/check book or credit card. Just listen! “Bezdin is an institution in Romania; its purpose is still to give shelter and education to girls who were abandoned or orphaned, or whose families could not support them. The girls receive a musical education and the most talented stay and became members of the Bezdin ensemble choir or orchestra, at moment based in Russia.
“In September 1703, Vivaldi became maestro di violino (master of violin) at a girl orphanage called the Pio Ospedale della Pietà (Devout Hospital of Mercy) in Venice. Vivaldi was only 25 when he started working at the Ospedale della Pietà. Over the next thirty years he composed most of his major works while working there.” – Magnatune. You can try Magnatune for 7 days free of charge and without obligation thereafter.
“Adina Spire (born in 1977) is a romanian cellist, classical composer and performer. She works almost exclusively in her native Romania and in Russia as a sacred music composer, director of choir and orchestra and teacher of film composition. In 2008 she founded the Bezdin Ensemble, a specialised ensemble for sacred music, consisting of a chamber orchestra, choir and vocalists.” – Adina’s Bio
You can sample some of Adina’s work below from Soundclicks – prepare for something amazing. Get the speakers and volume right – and sit back in a soft relaxing chair – and press the ‘play’ button.
The association between the Bezdin Ensemble with Vivaldi and Mozart is natural.
Yup – and now you’re now very confused. How does someone revel in hip-tossing Balkanwood and is very much at home with the serenity of the traditional classical?