I’ve been reflecting on human behaviour for quite some time – 22 years to be precise. In recent months I’ve really been troubled by what I refer to as ‘mind games’. Yes I know Eric Berne has written a book, The Games People Play. I probably read the book over 20 years ago and have forgotten it’s contents.
However, I’ve set myself on a path to describing the games as I have experienced them. I’ll hold my hands up now – I’m guilty as charged – being human, I’ve played some of these games myself. I will say from the outset that ‘mind games’ are to some extent necessary.
What however disturbs me is the need to play these games with a degree of dishonesty or with some other motive that is not quite wholesome. A series of articles will follow this introductory opening. I will explore the games as I see them. I have no doubt that many of my descriptions will overlap onto some of what Berne has described. I have no real intention at this stage to create a classification or taxonomy of the games that I have seen or played.
My main desire is to describe them in some detail. The series will be numerated e.g. Mind Game # 1, then Mind Game #2 and so on.