Captain Walker

Watching the wheels

consumer issues, commentary, WTF

The Cap has been seemingly laying low over the last few weeks. Of course the Cap never lays low in reality. I’ve been on assignment observing the natives in Liverpool.

Need I say that stupidity has hounded me like a bleeding plague?

Just last night (03/04/2014), the Cap is in some Tapas place. Then some dimwit waitress rubs the Cap the wrong way – calm your imgaination – the idiot didn’t give the correct order – and expected me and my possey to wait an extra 20 min to correct her flaming error.

Screw that! I wasn’t having it. Departed. So un-English. Yuh know – the moment somebody apologises in England, you’re meant to reciprocate my cleaning their arse. Tough – I’m not part of any culture. I do as I please.

Bill was paid – and off I go.  I don’t wait around for crap service.