The PerfectDisk Trick

by Captain Walker

Categories: Technology

Well, it’s no trick really. Defragging you computers hard drive (aka disk) is as important as sleep is to you. In fact dreaming is analogous to defragging the brain! (that’s why weird stuff seems to pass off as dreams).

No one really needs to understand what defragging, is in order to do it. Do people know how the engines of cars work before they use them? I don’t think so. Do pilots have to know how plane engines work in order to fly the plane? Get real.

Screen Shot 05-06-14PD

PerfectDisk is a special kind of very good defragmenter.

I defrag my hard drive every week, because my computer is in heavy use. In a week I’d accumulate about 3 GB of stuff due to internet browsing. No – I’m not reading 3GB of data. This is what’s happening in the background, unknown to me and most people who use the internet. Stuff gathers and that’s all that needs to be known. People who don’t use their computers much probably need to do this only once a month.

The sequence of computer clean-up and defrag every week is as follows:

  1. WinZip System Utilities clean-up.
  2. CCleaner clean-up.
  3. PerfectDisk defrag (with SmartPlacement setting).
  4. Acronis Backup.

In the above order. Junk goes out before backing up – obviously!!

At even minor fragmentation as seen in pic, this will take about 1 hour to do. That’s why it’s not a good idea to leave it for some time. The worse the fragmentation the longer it will take to defrag.

No – you don’t have to do any of this. It’s not the law. But if you don’t do this regularly and your computer slows down and falters regularly, and then you have to take it for servicing at Dixons etc and pay them money, then don’t moan or groan!! Why? Cuz you courted this trouble – so enjoy it.