Captain Walker

People deserve what they don’t get

commentary, money, motivational, mind games, human nature, future

Well, well… what’s this all about now. I’m afraid you’ll have to read on. And if your dog needs a bath (and I don’t know if you who reads this has a dog and I couldn’t care less), then go bathe the dog!

What do people not get?failed_man

  1. Better jobs
  2. Better lives
  3. Better partners
  4. Better cars, phones, shoes etc.
  5. More money

– and the list could go on forever. I’m not talking about non-physical things. Just to sort out the idiots, who would do the sing-song about, “Well some things you just can’t have.., I fully accept that there are things that are unreachable or unobtainable because nearly everything has limits that are insurmountable.  But most people never really get near the ‘limits’.

I’ve been thinking about this in the background over the last few months. What’s prompted me to think about it, is responses to independent sources of income I’ve come across on the internet and in real life. Income is extremely important – and if you don’t think so, then you can kindly look away and save yourself much time, disappointment and angst.

People know what they want and what they can have, however they make a set of important mistakes:

  1. Not properly assessing how to achieve what they want.
  2. Expecting rather unconsciously – hoping that is – that it’ll just get better by itself. Yuh know, ‘the Gods will take care of it’ because they’re good people. And God or somebody of that nature will bless them one day. Even non-believers in Gods or fake believers think along those lines.  Or that ‘if I keep doing what I’m doing, I’ll get better at it and my life will improve.
  3. Not working – or even hard enough – at something to make it happen.
  4. Not finding the time to make change. Everybody I know says something like, “I just can’t find the time at the moment with work and all but maybe things will improve.. and I’ll do more”.
  5. Avoiding risk – nobody likes risk. Everybody wants reward for very minimal risk. That’s why people put money in the banks and in TESSAs,  ISAs and pensions etc. They know they put in so much and they’ll get out what roughly what it says on the paper (contract or whatever).
  6. FailureThey dislike failure. Sure nobody wants to be a failure. But failing means to them at least momentarily that they’re failures.  If there’s a light source (usually a bulb) of some sort in your room, turn it on. Look at it. Even if it’s an LED light bulb, know that the original light bulb came into existence only because a single man was willing to fail a few thousand times in developing it. Who’s that? Google is your friend. I’m just here to insult, put down people and show up their faults, as if I’m a perfect being – innit? I know what you’ll think before you the thought even rises in your mind!  Why are you still here? Someone will probably next ask a dumbass question like, “So how many times does a person have to try to reach success?” How the devil would I know – speak to your Gods – they know more and better than me.
  7. And people accept their status quo and that around them. Hence all of the above becomes irrelevant. They resign to staying on the treadmill that their sorry life histories have put them on – at whatever speed or lack of direction that is. Yes – there are people limited by various disabilities of body and mind – and I’m not referring to them! Chrysst – I have to cover every minor exception. Yuh know, every exception counts against the validity of what I say – right?
  8. The above brings me to self-justification for the status quo. So – it’s not just about acceptance. It’s about arguing why things have to stay the way they are personally, because of their individual histories and their prevailing circumstances.

If you’re still here – whoever you are – is any of the above really so untrue? Well, the truth is a very unsympathetic ‘animal’ – it’ll bite you in the ass (arse if you’re English), and grin at you. By now, somebody is thinking, “Why the devil is he going on about this? Do I really need this!!!?

Yesterday I wrote about Alessio Rastani: Too honest to be true. This morning I got up with ideas in my head that had been in the background for months. Yes – I’ve been working hard on gaining skill and knowledge on what Rastani was talking about for about 9 months – sometimes 18 hours per day. People around me would have thought, “He’s mad.. I hope he doesn’t lose all his money…” – even if they didn’t say that. Rastani’s brilliant interview with  the BBC brought out and crystallised for me much of what I’ve said above.

Rastani is a man who is bright, articulate, clear and focused. “Ooooh… he was born with a gift..not everybody is like him…” I can hear those on the idiot bandwagon saying now. Oh I see, God made him unequal – and better than you then. Whoops .. you better hold your God to account. Why the devil were you not born with that gift then?

Rastani has demonstrated the following characteristics:

  1. Willing to risk dropping out of dentistry school.
  2. Willing to persevere to become a lawyer and give that up (BTW – giving all that up was not in sync with his parental expectations).
  3. Determined to do something different to find his independence.
  4. Working hard at it  to gain knowledge, skill and experience – and taking calculated risks.
  5. Taking failures in his stride.
  6. Doing all the opposites of the mistakes that I’ve outlined above, that people commonly make.
  7. And now – he’s willing to share his knowledge and experience for free with everyone. Tough if you haven’t visited his website – and I’m not linking it here again, so as to spoon-feed you.

The above are the common characteristics of successful people.

But I know what I’ll be told – “everybody can’t become a trader – can they?”. Oops – did I say ‘everybody has to become a trader?’ – I don’t think so. And I couldn’t give a monkeys whether Rastani is a fake (or not)! What I thought I was saying and meant to say, was that the set of mistakes I outline (an incomplete list) is what people continue to make and that is what holds them back. I’m sure I didn’t say that everybody has to make millions and be rich. No – I can’t tell you how to find time and do all that you need to do to sort your life out. You want people to find solutions for your life – especially those like me who tell you what you’re doing wrong – right?  That’s your sorry state of dependence on others finding the solutions for you, that has you thinking like that. Right – you’ve had enough insults or today – innit. Go cure yourself.  Now bugger off and bathe that dog – or whatever. That’s all for today.