Comfortably numb

by Captain Walker

Categories: Health, Humanities

Have I become ‘comfortably numb’? I have not! But many others have. To explore song meanings see here.

There are some – unknowing to themselves – who have become ‘comfortably numb’. To what? To the suffering of people with mental and physical health disabilities. No surprises there, cuz the disabled usually suffer in times of economic austerity!

In such times people become automatons. Their automated silence screams! They are usually doing things to be seen as doing their jobs. But the output of their jobs serves that of their masters and controllers.

Their masters are pre-occupied with serving the greater masses. Minorities fall on the wayside. So if one suffers a learning disability of some sort, then tough. The greater good is what matters to your masters.

Many around me are silent. It is disgusting! I have no control over them. In any case it is not for me to tell them what to do – and they won’t listen to me or be obliged to. I’m nobody!