Captain Walker

Impeachment and stupidity!

human nature, stupid, stupidity

I know that I’ve touched on how intelligent people can be stupid, but today was a brand new experience in that same direction.

Right – the situation was that I was sitting at lunch among ‘folk’ who I know the average intelligence quotient of the group was around 120. [Genius is >140-ish and learning deficient is normally <70]. The word broke on the table that ‘Donald Trump was convicted by impeachment’ – almost those exact words. The important word in there was ‘convicted’.  So – I did a double take, cuz I know that he wasn’t. I know that the impeachment inquiry held by Congress, upheld two articles of impeachment –  which would then go to ‘trial’ at the Senate. Any fool who reads about impeachment will know that an inquiry does not convict!

So  – I said ‘No – he wasn’t convicted. The articles of impeachment were upheld and it needs to go to the Senate for trial‘. Well – I might as well have farted into a high breeze, cuz that’s exactly how my words were treated! FFS. It is this simply – I’m nobody! But the popular media – and their stupid false headlines – is ‘everybody’ i.e. the mysterious ‘they’. So if ‘they’ say – well that’s good enough. Nobody stopped to think ‘Maybe I ought to check this out a bit further, you may have a point’. Nope – they banged on about a ‘conviction’.

The point? Intelligent people and groups are haunted by stupidity! If not their own stupidity, they are infected by media stupidity. Oh.. oh no.. oh dear God.. .. oh no.. ‘Stupid‘ has managed to escape!

Stupid:      Are you an expert on impeachment?

CW:     No.

Stupid:      Are you a legal expert?

CW:     No.

Stupid:      So what gives you the right to carry on about impeachment?

CW:     I’m not carrying on about impeachment or claiming any rights.

Stupid:      So you hate Donald Trump?

CW:     Wut!

Stupid:      Don’t try to be evasive!

CW:     The above post has nothing to do with whether I hate or like Donald Trump! I wasn’t trying to be evasive!

Stupid:      You want to see him convicted of impeachment – don’t you?!

CW:     Chrysst! I want to see any president guilty of misdemeanours, convicted by a lawful coherent process. I have no particular interest in Donald Trump.

Stupid:      Do you hate presidents of the USA?

CW:     No!

Stupid:      You want to see Trump imprisoned so that you can go after Ivanka – isn’t it?

CW:   Right – I’m not having this crap!

Stupid:      WAIT!! Don’t! Stop! St.. st.. …

CW:     No! I’m not waiting.. back in your fricking cage! End off!

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The reading of posts on this blog is subject to the Terms & Conditions. Unpalatable truths and personal experiences may be told. Nothing posted on this blog is directed at any identifiable person. Should any person or organisation reading this blog find something that makes them feel or know that they  are being referred to, it does not mean that that person or organisation is in fact identified or identifiable. ‘Stupid‘ is an impish figment of my imagination and does not represent any known individual.