Captain Walker

Tech tip – organising life a bit

organisation, tip, planning, lists, technology

‘Everybody’ believes they are organised. Well, not everybody obviously. There are some people who go, “I’m so disorganised..” – and they wear that badge proudly, expecting everybody else to work with or around them. I can tell you now, they’ll have a hard time being around me.

The tip below is for a simple android app called Note Everything. A free version is available as an apk download at Softexperience. If you want to try it out, you’ll have to search Google on how to install an apk on your android phone. Ooooo… panic.. nail-biting panic.. virus.. the world is coming to an end – go on, have that panic attack – and leave it alone. What do I care. The video below gives a quick overview in a less than 3 minutes.

Rude interruption

Stupid: You are so  unhelpful!

CW: Yes I know – thank you.

Stupid: You’re proud of that?

CW: I don’t spoon feed people.

Stupid: This is not about feeding people! It is about showing how things work so people can get on with it.

CW: I call that spoon feeding. Sorry. Nobody pays me to teach everybody.

Stupid: So what?

CW: So – everybody can clear off if they don’t like learning by experience and trying.

Stupid: That sounds pompous.

CW: How does this sound! Snap! (my fingers) .You’re gone. 


As I was saying before interrupted by the usual round of abuse, a tiny bit of organisation with this app can save a ton of worry. You can create loads of different checklists that you regularly use. It could be a set of things that you do when you clean the house. But not every time you clean you need to do all of them. So you might have ‘clean carpets’ but that only happens on the last Friday of every other month. There may be a list of other things you do more regularly. So – before going to bed you spend less than 3 mins picking from a larger list, what you want to do tomorrow.

You won’t know the difference that sort of planning can make until you do it for a few weeks. But you don’t need an app for this. You could use pen and paper.

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