Following up on my recent post What is a Mindset?, I did some more private research on the topic. As was mentioned, there are different kinds of mindsets, in different situations for the same person. Some mindsets may dominate a person across a range of activities.

Then I came across Success Mindsets by Ryan Gottfredson – on Note ‘mindsets’ is in the plural.

I don’t have a great opinion of self-help books. I think this one is useful for me. It may not be useful for everybody. This is not a book review.

I’m not saying that this book will make you into a success. Books like these provide strategies and tools. It depends on how you apply what’s in there.

You can also explore open and closed mindsets at Ryan Gottfredson’s site.

I just love it that he starts of by quoting Farnam Street, “Before you smugly slap an open-minded sticker on your [forehead], consider this: close-minded people could never consider that they could actually be closed-minded. In fact, their perceived open-mindedness is what’s so dangerous.” He  adds that, “The reality is that close-minded people are likely closed to the idea that they are close-minded.” In other words, ‘everybody likes to think that they are open-minded’.

And now – as usual – I have to say that I derive no benefit from sharing access to this book (at any time). Anyone reading this blog is is not obliged, nor encouraged to purchase. I pay £4.00/month for unlimited access to content. I showed in another post why this is one of the best cost-effective options for me. (provided by Amazon) has begged me to come back to them, with all sorts of discounts. I ain’t going back! I’ve found nothing out there that beats for the types, variety of content and value for money.

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