Guilty by Reason of Sanity, is coming! I’m putting out some previews into the public domain. It is a lot of work happening on this. I’m proofing every word of it using text to speech techniques built into Windows 11 and some from Text Aloud.

Call me a cheapskate – I’ve been called worse – but I’m not going to pay tons of money for somebody to proof read the book. I want to know how it sounds when it is being read. So it is important to hear the words spoken. Words are what people will ‘hear’ in their minds as they read. The flow has to feel and sound right. This is not going to be just words on a page.

YouTube previews are below. They are created with Clipchamp which is like a simple cut down of Camtasia. I require no fan mail, hate mail, or feedback – thank you very much.


Early beginnings

This preview is part of of the first chapter.


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