Captain Walker

How to get your email account hacked!!

, computers, hacked, password

Most of my non-professional associates at some time in the last 10 years have been hacked. I’ve given tips on how to prevent it. Note my previous recommendation of Roboform. But getting hacked seems more popular so, today decided to provide tips on how to get hacked.


  1. Create easily memorable passwords such as HealthyJane12357.
  2. Create what you think is a complex password eg. H4ppyJ4n3I5here.
  3. Avoid complex passwords like: wThuLyE@Sg4PT#ggve@&

If someone is about to ask me ‘What’s wrong with the above?‘ it means they know nothing! They probably think that there is some nerdy hacker on a keyboard punching in letters and numbers; like in the movies. Well, no – hackers actually delegate their hacking to very sophisticated high powered software, which will chuck millions of passwords per minute.

Traditional idea of a hacker
Closer to reality. People supervising computers that are doing the hacking.

Look left for a classic hack.

Software can also do a thing called Xieve attacks. Google it. I’m not explaining here. Basically, it will crack your supposedly good password in a matter of minutes. But wait – hackers don’t care if it takes a year to crack your password. Why – because they’ve got software running zillions of hacks per hour on thousands or millions of accounts. So, no big effort on the hacker’s part.

People avoid complex passwords because they can’t remember them and typing them into a password field is effortful.

Essential attitudes to security of email accounts

  1. It can’t happen to me!
  2. They can hack all they want, nothing in that email account for me to be concerned about.
  3. I can’t be arsed!
  4. I’m not OCD like you!
  5. I’m a luddite.

Of course, no one in my circles said the above, but their silence and frequency of being hacked leads me to infer the above. The above sort of attitudes seems to mean that I should put up with phishing attempts as captioned in the screenshot above. Really? Seriously. It just shows how selfish ‘some’ people are. They’ll get the chop!