Captain Walker

Melt down at a self-service checkout

suffering, supermarkets, shopping, conversation, robots, technology, people

Not me – from one of my ‘associates’, as I have no friends.

The suffering

Axxxx UK, so I finished work late and went to your store, as my cupboards were bare. I was heartbroken (and I mean heartbroken) to find that no one was on the tills and I had to go through the self service.

I am not equipped to process my own shopping. I have to be honest, after the 26th time of trying to squeeze my shopping in that little space and the machine beeping at me, having a menopausal hot flush and minor breakdown. This challenge of endurance felt like I was competing in takeshi castle and I was not winning.

I miss the throwing of my goods by your till staff at 1000 miles a hour, listening to Sxxxxx tell me how her 3rd mental breakdown that week went, her dads op , her daughters new boyfriend (who said she needs to get rid of ) and the general banter at the till. Please don’t make me process my own shopping again.

Despite my degrees and level of intelligence and holding a responsible job in the XXX, it turns out I can’t mentally cope with stress of checking my own shopping in.
I know this a long post , but basically I hate self service. Don’t get rid of Sxxxxx.. we need Sxxxxxs in our life !

My take

Well, I hate self-service as it often sends up my blood pressure. Something ‘always’ goes wrong. It could be some nonsense with age verification, it may not like my bag, something can’t scan, then when the red light flashes, they take forever to notice and do something.

But in the captioned suffering above is another story. Our now mechanised world has forgotten that people have friendly relationships with the people at the till and like a bit of conversation.

It’s all about money isn’t it. Employing humans at checkouts costs too much.