Articles for tag: photography, amazing, technology, computing, education

Captain Walker

Date changer software for photos

I’ve found it!! There are some nifty little applications to change the dates of file images and exif data – in batches. Why is this important? Well  – because I use Robobasket to sort my photos into folders, I need Robobasket to pick up ‘Date Modified’ and Exif data from these files. Robobasket will then ...

Why Star Trek Voyager?

Recently I’ve become re-addicted to Star Trek Voyager. In fact I had not seen Series 5 to 7 so it was just great to catch up. Voyager is like no other Star Trek spin off. Those who still recall and admire the original Star Trek and can’t unstick themselves from Captain Kirk, Dr McCoy and ...

Captain Walker

A busy time

I just realised that I haven’t blogged on this site for some time. It’s been an intensely busy time. I’ve not even been reading what’s happening much on a certain Rock. Hmmm..’he must be distracted by something pretty big’. Sure. I’ve been at work and at play!! LOL. Well mostly play. Well sort of I’ve ...

Too honest to be true

Alessio Rastani shook up awareness about banking and government in 2011. His honesty was so good that he was accused of being a hoaxer. Who is Alessio Rastani and why you haven’t heard of him before? I dunno why? Perhaps you’ve been too busy shopping, walking dogs, don’t spend time on that ‘evil thing’ called ...

The future is in Thorium

Thorium is a fairly common metal that can be used far more safely than Uranium to generate nuclear power. The ability of Thorium to become a ‘cleaner’ and more safely manageable nuclear material was known back in December 1945!! Yes – so why are you now hearing about this? And if you’re one of those ...

To be or not to be..

I never read English Literature in my early days. That’s sad. It was a choice between ‘Sciences’ and ‘Literature’ –  a very sad bifurcation over which I had no control. However, now in these later years I can appreciate what I missed.   “To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether ’tis nobler ...

Captain Walker

Sync-ing laptop or desktop to Google Cloud Drive

If the title of this post appears to be gobbledeegook to you, then you know what to do next. No? Google!!! Google Drive is an online cloud storage drive provided by Google.  I pay $USD 9.99/mth for a 1 Terabyte of space in the cloud – and tough if some can’t afford it, or need ...

‘The Edge’ – no mistakes in the mind.

‘The Edge’ – is a film screened in 1997.  No – I’m not about to do a film review, so calm down. I had completely missed this film and only viewed last night on Lovefilm which is now ‘Amazon Prime’.  Recently I’ve become rather saddened that most Sci-Fi films these days have lost the plot ...

Captain Walker

Fifteen observations on stupid statements and stupid people.

Having reflected on another of Kevin’s brilliant editorials I wish to add my own observations: Stupid statements are generated more often than not by stupid people. Seemingly intelligent people are also capable of generating stupid statements. Rocks, bricks, sticks, stones and lower forms of animal life cannot be expected to generate stupid statements. Stupid statements ...

Captain Walker

Not what it appears to be

I’m quite amused and have been for sometime about how people make important or even unimportant decisions based on appearances – it’s as if facts are irrelevant. Hmm…..WTF am I talking about? Some may be thinking. Here’s the thing: people like to feel that they are rational and intelligent, but in the end most people ...