Articles for tag: human nature, briefs, amusing, women, WTF

Another knock on the door

Well no, they did not come to arrest me. So like again, there is another knock on the door yesterday. I peep out without opening my outer door, to see who’s there. Two females [This does not mean I’m sexist! They actually appeared to be females, and it is not my business to go do ...

Captain Walker

The ways of science and scientists.

I’ve been up to no good as usual – exploring the thought processes of the good and great. It’s been a fascinating time, lurking among the most intelligent group in the country. And whaddayuhknow  – they are very much plebs at heart. I have conclusive and hard evidence in my hands! I’ve seen them in ...

Captain Walker

The humans again!

I continue to despair for the human race. They seem incapable of distinguishing what is fact from what is inference. Yes – of course that is a generalisation. I can’t deal with each human  – some 6 Billion of them! Get real. If Joe says that Jane says – does it mean that Jane said ...

Captain Walker


Over the last year I’ve become amused by some responses I’ve had when I send e-content by email to others. The content could be links to videos or webpages. A typical list of responses: I’m in a conference in Australia. I’m on the beach. I’m out shopping. Will read it later. Will check it later. ...

The silly games people play

I’m often amused by human nature, in particular the silly games people play. I often wonder why these games are played and to what end. So what’s this all about now? You’ll have to hang on or go bathe that dog and return or just bugger off completely – innit? For sometime I’ve been observing ...

Captain Walker

35 years a slave

This morning I got off a plane at London Gatwick and from there these thoughts come to be generated. I missed a bus to take me to my flypark hotel where my car was parked, whilst I was vacationing in the Caribbean. I didn’t think it was cost efficient for me to wait an hour ...

Captain Walker

A busy time

I just realised that I haven’t blogged on this site for some time. It’s been an intensely busy time. I’ve not even been reading what’s happening much on a certain Rock. Hmmm..’he must be distracted by something pretty big’. Sure. I’ve been at work and at play!! LOL. Well mostly play. Well sort of I’ve ...

Too honest to be true

Alessio Rastani shook up awareness about banking and government in 2011. His honesty was so good that he was accused of being a hoaxer. Who is Alessio Rastani and why you haven’t heard of him before? I dunno why? Perhaps you’ve been too busy shopping, walking dogs, don’t spend time on that ‘evil thing’ called ...

I’m not a this sort of person

I often hear things of that nature from people e.g. “I’m not a computer person”, or “I’m not a driven by money sort of person”, or “I’m not a Nigela Lawson fan”, or “I’m not a Paxman person”, or “I’m not a Russell Brand person” or “I don’t like Tory philosophy whatever that is.”  The ...