Articles for tag: syndrome, smart, intelligence, people, stupid, , arrogance

Emblazoned mediocrity and incompetence

Over many years, I’ve been noticing that it is acceptable for many people to declare themselves as  ‘lazy’, ‘dumb’, ‘stupid’, ‘luddite’, or ‘thick’. By stark contrast people who dare to assert that they are smart, or of above average intelligence are not accommodated very well. Instead they are given a rough time with derogatory responses, ...

The blur between arrogance and ignorance

Arrogance is a personality trait characterised by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, superiority, and a lack of empathy or consideration for others. Arrogant individuals tend to have an inflated sense of their own abilities, achievements, or worth, and may display a dismissive or condescending attitude towards others. They often believe that they are more deserving ...