The Labyrinth of the Mind: A Journey into the Fascinating World of the Unconscious

Some will be going, “What’s this? What’s he on about this time?!” Tough – this is not a 30 second read for those in a majority, whose minds have been addled by the likes of X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. Dog to bathe? Clothes to put in the washing machine? You go there and stay … Read more

Reading is dead

What a bold assertion – ‘Reading is dead’? I’ll explain what I mean as I go on. Experiences in the last few years have led me to conclude that people actually: I’m not talking about novels. I’m talking about stuff that makes a real difference to personal and professional development. Oh sure, nobody has a … Read more

Told to leave Aldi if I want

This report is 100% honest, and is quite probably caught on more than one CCTV camera. I’m naming Aldi and if they want to sue for defamation, bring it on! Their lawyers are advised in advance to read up on the law of defamation and that I have my lawyers ready for them. I was … Read more

Pre-determinants – your ignorance is bliss.

For some time I’ve been occupied with things that pre-determine what we think or do. I’ve often referred to patterns and cultures as pre-determinative. Then I looked into attitudes. As I go on, I think more about this. The uneducated and dim will obviously baulk at all this. After all, all they know is that … Read more

Your deceptive mind

Just in case – I am not referring to any known person’s mind! This post is inspired by the book Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills – Course Guidebook by Dr Steven Novella. Nothing in this post refers to any identifiable individual, except where explicitly stated. This site cannot cater for … Read more

Strange behaviour of the humans

This is a misanthropic viewpoint. If you don’t like this sort of thing leave now. I often come across people who make decisions about various things.  A few things that are common to poor decision-makers are as follows: Psychological states: In general they are adversely affected by their own psychological states, which they may or … Read more