Articles for tag: briefs, people, stupidy, idiots

What is it with people?

Right – it is my blog and I’ll rant if I want to! For quite some time I’ve been noticing that one (namely me) feels a tad apprehensive that some fool will imply meanings into what I post on the internet (aka social media).  And why? Because meanings implied into what I post are at ...

Another knock on the door

Well no, they did not come to arrest me. So like again, there is another knock on the door yesterday. I peep out without opening my outer door, to see who’s there. Two females [This does not mean I’m sexist! They actually appeared to be females, and it is not my business to go do ...

Captain Walker

The problem of knowledge

As this is in the domain of social media, I shall be overly cautious and convoluted at times, so as to head off my words being twisted out of shape by ‘bent minds’. First off, I am not saying that journals  are causing a problem! Next if I make what appears to be a general statement, ...

Captain Walker


Over the last year I’ve been observing that important thing called words. Yes – I mean spoken written and any other form of words. There is a problem. In this new ‘information era‘ people have been hanging on to words for dear life. Words have a way of being misunderstood, especially if delivered without any ...

What people say and what they do

Today I’m motivated by an online conversation with a colleague to write this. In essence, he’s a successful financial trader by his own one method. Over the last few months,  I’ve been sharing different methods, with a well declared intention not to change his. Over several months I basically get a few stock responses. The ...

Captain Walker

How people decide their needs

As usual this post is based on my personal and professional experience of people in situations. I don’t care what’s written out there on the net by some lot of gurus. Why? Because it is my experience given here!! I’ve read from the gurus already for over 25 years. As I’m about to get told ...

Captain Walker

Dream worlds

It’s one of those posts again. I just realised – even more – that the human being is content to live in a dream world. What’s that – somebody is bound to ask. Ok – so let me distract myself to explain. A dream world is  one where your own reasoning matters the most. You ...

Captain Walker


Over the last year I’ve become amused by some responses I’ve had when I send e-content by email to others. The content could be links to videos or webpages. A typical list of responses: I’m in a conference in Australia. I’m on the beach. I’m out shopping. Will read it later. Will check it later. ...