Articles for tag: computing, computers

Captain Walker

Computer clean up sequence

This is for Windows 10 and above computers that do not have a SSD or M2 drive. If you do the following on a computer with SSD or M2 drive, you will quite probably wreck your computer. But don’t believe me. Just do it – and then sue yourself! At each restart, time how long ...


Well, loads of people have been biting their nails about ChatGPT. Yuh know anything that is new and apparently intelligent is to be feared. Like “OMG!! OMG!! AI is taking over the world, let’s have a panic attack!” The sort of responses are similar to when aeroplanes were made to fly people around, the telephone ...

Neat trick with Camtasia and Snagit

Some people – there are always ‘some people’ – will not know about Camtasia and Snagit. The Semmelweis reflex takes care of that lot. The way it works is that if you hear about something that sounds technical or comes from somebody you think is a nerd, you move on swiftly. After all ‘what’s it ...

Captain Walker

MS Word – Tip on headers

Loads of people don’t know much about how to use a ‘word processor’. Hmmm.. the words ‘word processor‘ now seem so strange. Formatting documents is a most important activity. Why? A well presented letter or report starts off at an advantage of being well received and easier to read. The reader is put in the ...

Captain Walker

Remote control my computers

This post is not for luddites and not for people who are diehard Apple lovers. Right – so I needed a solution for controlling my PC, when I’m watching Netflix or Amazon Prime. Somebody want’s to know why. Jeez. So – I’m sitting  or lying several feet from  my desktop which works with a large ...

Captain Walker


Sometimes you (meaning me) needs a calculator fast. One might think of calculators as for doing sums – and that’s fine (as they say). However, calculators can do far much more. Obviously, this is not going to be lecture involving lists of reasons why ‘one’ may need a calculator. If you’re on a laptop or ...


All technology is ‘confusing’ to most people. Read that again – carefully this time. Anything that is new, is on ‘computers’ and requires thinking through more than two steps – is confusing. Look, I’m not debating it – the latter is what I have seen repeatedly. Right – let me get on with the OneDrive ...