Articles for tag: computing, computers

Captain Walker

Computer clean up sequence

This is for Windows 10 and above computers that do not have a SSD or M2 drive. If you do the following on a computer with SSD or M2 drive, you will quite probably wreck your computer. But don’t believe me. Just do it – and then sue yourself! At each restart, time how long ...

Captain Walker

Who was Alan Turing and why should you care

This post will not give a full biography of Alan Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954). For more on Turing head to Wikipedia. I will be summarising what’s important to me. For a full biography read the book Alan Turing: The Enigma or the YouTube vid below (27 min). The Imitation Game – ...

Captain Walker

Remote control my computers

This post is not for luddites and not for people who are diehard Apple lovers. Right – so I needed a solution for controlling my PC, when I’m watching Netflix or Amazon Prime. Somebody want’s to know why. Jeez. So – I’m sitting  or lying several feet from  my desktop which works with a large ...


All technology is ‘confusing’ to most people. Read that again – carefully this time. Anything that is new, is on ‘computers’ and requires thinking through more than two steps – is confusing. Look, I’m not debating it – the latter is what I have seen repeatedly. Right – let me get on with the OneDrive ...

Captain Walker

Time wasting junk

Over the last 2 weeks I’ve been on an e-cleaning binge! That means I’ve been sorting out loads of electronic files of all types and cleaning up electronic messages. Did I say ‘electronic messages‘? Just checking. Yes – I did! Some fool wants to know what does ‘electronic messages’ mean. Chrysst! People don’t know what ...

Captain Walker

Date changer software for photos

I’ve found it!! There are some nifty little applications to change the dates of file images and exif data – in batches. Why is this important? Well  – because I use Robobasket to sort my photos into folders, I need Robobasket to pick up ‘Date Modified’ and Exif data from these files. Robobasket will then ...

Duplicate files and managing them.

Well, for most people I know they don’t care much about this. People often don’t know and therefore don’t care about duplicate files on their computers. I’m not here to cure them – they can remain blissfully ignorant. Those who want to know can read on. Duplicate files happen – that’s a matter of fact. ...

Setting up labels and filters on Gmail

I’ve been using labels and filters on Gmail for quite some time. But like many things you come to appreciate them better with time. So I’ve been reviewing how I use these features. Lately I’ve been flooded with all sorts of emails. Many of them I don’t need to look at immediately, so I didn’t ...

Captain Walker

Sync-ing laptop or desktop to Google Cloud Drive

If the title of this post appears to be gobbledeegook to you, then you know what to do next. No? Google!!! Google Drive is an online cloud storage drive provided by Google.  I pay $USD 9.99/mth for a 1 Terabyte of space in the cloud – and tough if some can’t afford it, or need ...