Articles for tag: exploration, food, cooking, energy, physics, mathematics, AI

Egg temperature excursion with AI

“What!” you exclaim. šŸ˜‚ I’ll explain. I read from internet sources that it’s not a good idea to keep eggs in trays on fridge doors. The warning is about the temperature of eggs fluctuating and going too high, so that they aren’t cooled enough to prolong shelf life. In fact some sources say it’s dangerous. ...

No ultra-small microwave oven

I’ve been searching for the last 5 years for an economical very small microwave oven. This is something I could use when working out of hotels. Well, I gave up on the search. But not easily. I even explored trying to build with my own hands, a small microwave by taking component parts from second ...

Microwaving Eggs: Round Two – with Startling Figures

So, you all scoffed. You sneered. You laughed, pointed fingers and snorted with derision about the many failures in my quest to conquer the impossible: microwaving an egg without it exploding like a miniature culinary grenade. “It can’t be done!” you declared, between guffaws. You sneered, “You’ll end up with scrambled egg on the ceiling!” ...

Captain Walker

Good dish

This has meat in it. But it could be made without. Thatā€™s rice noodles amongst, Shitake mushrooms, sliced celery, fried onions, sliced cabbage. Yes itā€™s something Chinese but I donā€™t know what they call it. Not important to me, anyway. For those who need to find a name, full marks to you for finding it ...

Captain Walker

Oysters–a new experience

Probably two to three years ago I had finally gotten out of my zone of comfort about eating oysters. No ā€“ you donā€™t eat the shell. When I was in Brighton I recall, I had tried one or two.  They had a ā€˜differentā€™ sort of metallic taste. I wasnā€™t put off by that. As time ...

Captain Walker

Boiled rice–simple!

You know I overhear people at supermarkets saying that they donā€™t know how to ā€œcook riceā€ ā€“ and hence they donā€™t buy it or try it. Hello ā€“ Iā€™m not saying you have to like the thing. Iā€™d just read the instructions and follow what it says on the ā€˜tinā€™, but thatā€™s too hard for ...