Articles for tag: crime, responsibility, homicide, attempted, equality, treatment, schizophrenia, law, expert witness, defence, experts, murder, manslaughter, diminished

Valdo Calocane: did he get away with murder?

The recent events on the sentencing of Valdo Calocane have led to public outcries. Mr Coates’ son James (a victim) said that Calocane had “made a mockery of the system“, adding that “he has got away with murder“. I have no relationship to the victims, their families, Calocane or the legal proceedings. This exploration will ...

Captain Walker

Who is malala?

She is the 16 year daughter of a BBC reporter in Pakistan – now working in the UK. Her dream was to become a doctor. Her life almost came to an abrupt end. Malala was targeted and shot in the head in Parkistan by the Taleban on 9th October 2012 (one year ago) for promoting ...

Captain Walker

Driven to put right an injustice.

I return to a theme I have been exploring in various ways: what drives people.  I had written about When you’re right  in March 2012. Injustice is something that one feels inside. It’s not like a physical pain. It may be a form of mental discomfort. It is something that keeps you awake, thinking, planning, ...

Captain Walker

Animals – again!

Yes the attacker is wrong – totally wrong. I reckon 90-something percent of people seeing the video will say “Serves him right!!” And that is called animal thinking consequent on animal behaviour. Watch the old geyser with the umbrella. He’s just comes in to have his share of the ‘fun’. It’s a thing called assault ...

Captain Walker

I may soon be arrested!!

As if to predict what would happen on Fraggle Rock, the Cap had pondered the issue of Riots as recently on 10th March 2012 in: Of Riots in banana republics. Then, lo and behold, riots break out on the Rock on 13th March 2012 as reported in the T&T Guardian and, Newsday. According to Rock-logic, ...

Captain Walker

Stupidity of the Rock order!

Another Rockian’s email account is hacked.. and spewing porn adverts at me. Well I guess it is not just a Rockian thing. Dohtishness and laziness flourishess outside of the Rock too. Everybody goes “Oooooh.. but I had a really strong password” and in my mind I say “Bollocks!!”. The guidance from Wikipedia is good (and ...

Captain Walker

‘We can’t live here anymore’

This is the headline about a father’s sentiment about his two young children who luckily escaped with their lives, after being bound and gagged, while mother nipped out to get some baby food a few minutes away. For viewers outside of this godforesaken Rock, I should explain that this crime took place in the height ...