Articles for tag: control, danger, borg, organisation, individuality, human nature, coordinaton, creativity, chaos, AI

Onemillioncheckboxes – Navigating Human Nature, the NHS, and AI Futures

The craze surrounding the site Onemillioncheckboxes (OMCB) reflects an interesting intersection of collaborative and competitive online behaviour. The concept of one million checkboxes, initially designed to be checked off collectively, has evolved into a platform for users to express creativity, engage in community-driven projects, and even participate in virtual tug-of-war scenarios. The NHS could learn ...

The dangers of perception

As some will not know, perception, truth, reality, decision-making and related things have occupied me a lot on this blog. Why this post today? I’ve been trying to work out how some people perceive me to be nice, and others perceive me to be arrogant, condescending, patronising and narcissistic. People see different sides of me ...