Articles for tag: relationships, lies, liars, dishonesty, integrity, fake

Dishonesty under the microscope

Apparently – everybody knows that dishonesty is lying, right? Okay – so if you don’t want to dig deeper or you have Netflix calling out to you, or your dog is whining for a bath, move on swiftly! Dishonesty is a complex concept that can manifest in various forms. Trust depends on honesty. Business relationships ...

Captain Walker

Why I have no friends

I have written about ‘friends’ before and what friendships mean to me. Since that time I’ve been thinking about this. More recently I attended a conference somewhere in the UK – at which I met people who are friendly. So that got me thinking some more. Just to be clear (JTBC), nothing in this post ...

Where and how do I draw the line

Errrh.. what line? Somebody is about to ask. Tough – it’s that mysterious line in the sand. Read on or get stuffed. I’ve been reflecting on a certain theme over the last few weeks. I’ve been thinking about individuals who I have distanced myself from. By that I mean A] either kept well away from, ...

Captain Walker

The Mind Games Series

I’ve been reflecting on human behaviour for quite some time – 22 years to be precise. In recent months I’ve really been troubled by what I refer to as ‘mind games’. Yes I know Eric Berne has written a book, The Games People Play. I probably read the book over 20 years ago and have ...

Perceptions of perceptions.

Like huh? Well, one can never be 100% sure what others think of you (i.e. me). People basically don’t tell (by words) all of what they think – for umpteen reasons. So I’ve been asking myself what do others really think of me. I cannot be 100% correct either because I can never truly know ...