Articles for tag: healing, questions, rejection, moving-on, stronger, human nature, people, friendship, relationships, isolation

Captain Walker

The Throw-Away Person

In the canvas of human relationships, there exists a phenomenon that cuts to the core of our social nature – the experience of being a “throw away person”. This term describes individuals who find themselves unexpectedly and inexplicably cast aside by those they once considered close friends or confidants. To be clear, this post is ...

Friendship recession

The world is catching up on stuff I wrote about years ago. Oh yes – this is just one strand of evidence. Unfortunately, for those who need manually assisted alimentation, I’m not summarising the video (which could well disappear in time).


Right – today I am declaring that I am ahead of my time! Those who would bawl “Arrogant!!” are told to STFU. Why? Because yet again I see the world catching up with me! As some will know, if they’ve not been sleeping under a rock for some years, ‘friends’ and ‘friendships’ have been one ...

For the love of cliché

I’m pretty sure some will be jumping on the net to read up what cliché means. Nobody is getting a dissertation here today. To start off net-crawlers, go here to read up. The one that has been getting to me more in the last 2 years is ‘.. to be fair‘. Every time I hear ...

Liars the lot

This is gonna be a shorter one. Who are these liars? They are none other than my so-called friends and almost non-existent family! Mostly on a weekend, I do my blogging and send links to others. The emerging pattern is: Quick response. Some comment that shows they have done the speed-read job i.e. say something ...

Captain Walker

Are family members friends?

The easy answer to this is “family are family and friends are friends” – which is absolutely simplistic, avoidant and stupid. I’m using the word ‘friends’ here pretty loosely. Of course, I only recognised degrees of friendships. Nobody is my friend (and I’m not explaining that again). Factors compared The common overarching concept is ‘relationships’. ...

The nature of trust

If you who reads this thought you were gonna get a lecture on ‘trust’, you’re in the wrong place. Google is your friend – not me! I’ve done the Google thing and I’m not satisfied with what I read out there. So – I’m putting my own words to the concept. Trust is not easy ...

From no longer a friend

I’ve lost count now, the number of posts I’ve made on the nature of ‘friends’ and ‘friendship’. I’ll hyperlink to some of them at the end. If you jump straight into the conversation below you’ll miss the context, which I explain in the next paragraph. The Story This is a chat conversation from Google Hangouts ...

The Perfect Mate

This is an exploration Star Trek Next Generation Season 5 Episode 21 – The Perfect Mate. I strongly recommend viewing it in full (Netflix) before reading this commentary – because this is a movie spoiler. You have been warned. Preview video below. Spoiler alert The Enterprise was carrying delicate and irreplaceable Kriosian cargo, destined as ...