Articles for tag: future, thinking, decision-making, biases, bias, present

Present bias

If you’re looking for a tutorial depart now and save yourself time and bother. Instead head to Pure bias at Wikepedia and you’ll get your tutorial there. But if you stay on to read this post, you are warned as always that you’ll be putting up with my own thoughts about the concept (and the ...

Probability, Prediction and Risk

I am overviewing my thoughts related to the two concepts ‘probability’ and ‘prediction’. The main reason why people want predictions, is to avoid risk materialising. Yes – I know some people would like a sound prediction for winning numbers on the next Euromillions jackpot. If you’re that type, move on swiftly. But look – life ...

Is the future real?

The word ‘future’ has important meaning to human beings. I’m not about to do a thesis on what the word ‘future’ means. Look up for estimated reading time, if you have a dog to bathe. And I’m not interested in whether any particular reader has a dog or not! Definition A popular definition is to ...

Prophet of doom or moronlogist?

I am certainly not a prophet of anything! I’ve made a number of bold statements in a certain forum which have unfolded just as I expected. Predictions? Hold on – did I predict anything? I did not. None of my statements said ‘this is going to happen’. All my statements were probabilistic. I fully recognised ...

Captain Walker

Future loss to present cost ratio

Okay – so I have nothing better to do on a Sunday morning than think about this. And yes – I do ‘have a life’! Some advert came in from Argos on new TVs. I don’t even need a new TV. I click on the advert and came across a 75-inch  Samsung  TV  for  £900(£899 ...

New year approaches but not much changes

I’m not one for wishing people “Merry Xmas” and “Happy New Year” etc.  I need no lecture from anyone on how to be kind, civil, mannerly, respectful of others, and how to keep up appearances. The changes in the last few years about sending cards and wishing others ‘this’ and ‘that’, have come after much ...

Captain Walker

Like 50,000 years ago

Some don’t like me studying the ‘humans’. That’s not news. And why? Well the humans do not like to be seen as they really are. A few things have come up in the last few months. The Future The humans believe that the future is a particular time. The reality is that no one can ...