Articles for tag: liars, dishonesty, integrity, fake, relationships, lies

Dishonesty under the microscope

Apparently – everybody knows that dishonesty is lying, right? Okay – so if you don’t want to dig deeper or you have Netflix calling out to you, or your dog is whining for a bath, move on swiftly! Dishonesty is a complex concept that can manifest in various forms. Trust depends on honesty. Business relationships ...

Words are cheap

Yes words are cheap. It don’t cost much to say, “I care” or “I’m sorry” or “I love you“. You don’t have to pay to say these sorts of things. It is totally free! And somebody is gonna say ‘obviously’. Well, tough! I’ll say the obvious. I was going to write this blog as ‘What ...

Liars the lot

This is gonna be a shorter one. Who are these liars? They are none other than my so-called friends and almost non-existent family! Mostly on a weekend, I do my blogging and send links to others. The emerging pattern is: Quick response. Some comment that shows they have done the speed-read job i.e. say something ...

A fairy tale of lies

Some will become obsessed with the video below, and unearthing my supposed underlying motivations for posting it. I well know that others will invoke their own suppositions which will form their reality foisted up on me e.g. “you’re just  obsessed with her.. don’t tell lies!“.  I’ll leave that right there, cuz to argue against such bullshit ...

Captain Walker

Human weaknesses

‘Everybody’ knows about the strengths in human nature! By ‘everybody‘ I mean a majority of people. In any event ‘everybody’ uses the term ‘everybody’ – or ‘not everybody’ conveniently – so I’m using the term. And – I don’t give a monkeys whether I know ‘everybody’ – and I don’t! So – instead, I’ve focused ...

Captain Walker

Why I have no friends

I have written about ‘friends’ before and what friendships mean to me. Since that time I’ve been thinking about this. More recently I attended a conference somewhere in the UK – at which I met people who are friendly. So that got me thinking some more. Just to be clear (JTBC), nothing in this post ...

Where and how do I draw the line

Errrh.. what line? Somebody is about to ask. Tough – it’s that mysterious line in the sand. Read on or get stuffed. I’ve been reflecting on a certain theme over the last few weeks. I’ve been thinking about individuals who I have distanced myself from. By that I mean A] either kept well away from, ...

Captain Walker

The Mind Games Series

I’ve been reflecting on human behaviour for quite some time – 22 years to be precise. In recent months I’ve really been troubled by what I refer to as ‘mind games’. Yes I know Eric Berne has written a book, The Games People Play. I probably read the book over 20 years ago and have ...