Articles for tag: relationships, fear, love, emotions, affection, romance, romantic, people

Captain Walker

The Guarded Heart

This exploration may be a difficult one as the concept of the ‘Guarded Heart’ unfolds. References to love between man and woman also means love between two people of any orientation. This journey does not aim to provide solutions, answers, or advice to anyone The Silent Shadow: When Love Becomes Fear Fear of love casts ...

What is love?

At this post Word are cheap in October 2021, I was meant to explore ‘What is love?‘ Of course, I got distracted by so many things along the way. But tonight the question suddenly hit me, when I accidentally came across a discussion on YouTube. Well, I’ll leave that video for lower down this post. ...

Words are cheap

Yes words are cheap. It don’t cost much to say, “I care” or “I’m sorry” or “I love you“. You don’t have to pay to say these sorts of things. It is totally free! And somebody is gonna say ‘obviously’. Well, tough! I’ll say the obvious. I was going to write this blog as ‘What ...

The Perfect Mate

This is an exploration Star Trek Next Generation Season 5 Episode 21 – The Perfect Mate. I strongly recommend viewing it in full (Netflix) before reading this commentary – because this is a movie spoiler. You have been warned. Preview video below. Spoiler alert The Enterprise was carrying delicate and irreplaceable Kriosian cargo, destined as ...