Articles for tag: life, work, mentalhealth, opportunity, jobs, medical, NHS

Change is hard but could be good

Right – so I moved out of Northern Ireland a few weeks ago. That was not an easy decision. Eventually the ‘pain’ of staying in that job exceeded the ‘pleasures’ of Northern Ireland. Calm down – in case your imagination based on some script begins to run wild. Overview on NI experience Northern Ireland is ...

Captain Walker

Beyond Ridiculous

You couldn’t make it up! The story below is truly beyond ridiculous. But.. but it comes on the back of two other recent investigations (see below). You’d think that ‘they’d be more cautious’ but no. See the Panorama investigation into Edenfield in the last quarter of 2022 (full credits to the BBC). Sorry, it cannot ...

The Barnum Effect

Some will be reaching for Google and dictionaries on this. Some fine examples of Barnum statements, “Humans a not perfect“, or “Everybody makes mistakes – are you perfect?” or “Not everybody is a scientist.” The words seem to hold a truth held dear by ordinary people. But in essence they lack depth by the way ...

Who hasn’t got Asperger’s?

If someone declares that they have a mental disorder, most other people know that they’re to respond with sympathy. Of course, I expect to hear ‘Not necessarily‘, ‘It depends‘, and ‘not everybody‘ etc etc. Well stuff it – when anybody declares that they have depression, I know the reactions I see. Nobody has authority over ...