Articles for tag: thinking, biases, analysis, errors, reasoning, logic, mind

Focalism and related biases

This bias is quite common. Have you ever been in a conversation where you make a thoughtful point, only to have the other person latch onto a single word or phrase and totally miss your intended meaning? This common phenomenon is known as focalism bias, and it can lead to frustrating misunderstandings and derailed discussions. ...

Welcome to the desert of the real

I’ve written before on The Matrix in 2021.  Of late, I am revisiting many clips from YouTube. I think this is probably related to the unreal state of affairs in health and social services that I see everyday. So I decided to consolidate some ideas about the movies – originally it came out in 1999. ...

Captain Walker

Mind – the final frontier

It is a simple question but not an easy one to answer. What is mind? Think about it – you’re using your mind to read this. Some would argue that they’re using their brain. Okay – I dare you to switch off the mind. Some argue that it is the brain that thinks. To avoid ...

Captain Walker

Jiddu Krishnamurti – the pathless land.

[ez-toc]I often go back and view materials (text and video) on Jiddu JK (JK). See my other post from 2020 – JK the reluctant messiah where unfortunately YouTube has pulled most of the videos. This post is something of a review and update. Just to be clear, I do not see JK as my spiritual ...

Captain Walker

Your mind has been hacked and you couldn’t care less!

Yes – and you (meaning most people) are unaware that their minds have been hacked. As always – I start with describing what I mean by certain keywords. Hacked and hacking The concept is of course borrowed from the world of computing, where devious infiltrations of computerised systems cause chaos. These are usually ‘viruses’ of ...

Captain Walker

The Encyclopaedia of Stupidity

As I continue my sojourn through life, I discover so much that I did not know or appreciate. There are not enough hours in my day. I’ve cut back on sleep as much as I can. It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious, that human stupidity accounts for so many serious disasters, yet ...

Captain Walker

The big uproar: where’s your popcorn?

Chess is not most people’s cup o’ tea: it is simply too hard because it requires deep thought and lots of energy.  So do I give a flying flamingo if nobody reads this? I do NOT! This means war! On 5th September 2022 Magnus Carlsen suddenly quite from a tournament when he was up against ...