Articles for tag: music video, video, meaning

A classic example of how the mind works

If you’re looking for a lecture on how the mind works, you’re definitely in the wrong place. Move on swiftly to avoid angst. The TED session  below came up on my YouTube. Initially I thought this was about how to appreciate classical music. Well, yes some of it is about that but that’s not nearly ...

Captain Walker

I don’t have to like Ed Sheeran!

This is a fine example of what I was talking about. People often go like, “I don’t like [X]” or “I can’t stand [Y]” if I share a music video. Well first off, I don’t know what the devil everybody will like, I don’t know everybody – and I’m not here to please everybody! I ...

Comfortably unbound

What happens when you – meaning me – breaks all rules and imperatives of bonds? What the devil am I talking about!? The bonds are those rules that say what we ought to do and be – to appear normal – and be part of the ‘herd’. Departing from the rules given to the herd, ...

The Dealer

The Dealer is a song with profound meanings for ‘everybody’. Some fool – the resident in the back of my mind  – is likely to ask ‘What does it mean for you?‘.  Tough – I’m not important nor are my feelings or past. I don’t tick like that. I’ll look into the song’s lyrics for ...

Blinding lights!

Ooops… terrible – I’ve got hooked on this song: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd. Fiiiiine – most people have never heard of them – even though the song is rated the best so far for 2020! Keep listening to Mr Trump – instead. I’m so not interested in the band, or the history of band ...

A fairy tale of lies

Some will become obsessed with the video below, and unearthing my supposed underlying motivations for posting it. I well know that others will invoke their own suppositions which will form their reality foisted up on me e.g. “you’re just  obsessed with her.. don’t tell lies!“.  I’ll leave that right there, cuz to argue against such bullshit ...

Evil people and music

I’ve been told by many in my very limited circles that epic music is evil and only listened to by weird people. Well, weird I may be but ‘evil’ I am not – except to stupid people! Stick with the ‘evil’ thing. How do people come to ‘know’ that epic music is evil? They cannot ...