Articles for tag: people, patterns, prediction, change

Patterns not predictions

As some will not know, I have been writing about ‘patterns‘ for quite some time. To be clear at the outset, for those who have not read what I have said, patterns predict nothing! Patterns create a probability in favour of the pattern. It is a simple as ‘If you visit KFC twice per month, ...

Prophet of doom or moronlogist?

I am certainly not a prophet of anything! I’ve made a number of bold statements in a certain forum which have unfolded just as I expected. Predictions? Hold on – did I predict anything? I did not. None of my statements said ‘this is going to happen’. All my statements were probabilistic. I fully recognised ...

Captain Walker

In the air tonight – song meaning

This is a song meaning review. Phil Collins said, “I wrote the lyrics spontaneously. I’m not quite sure what the song is about, but there’s a lot of anger, a lot of despair and a lot of frustration.” – the emotional content is obvious to most people. The issue and value is not just what ...

Your deceptive mind

Just in case – I am not referring to any known person’s mind! This post is inspired by the book Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills – Course Guidebook by Dr Steven Novella. Nothing in this post refers to any identifiable individual, except where explicitly stated. This site cannot cater for ...

Wrestling with patterns

I’ve written before on ‘patterns‘. As I go on I discover more how serious patterns are in our lives. There are of course good patterns and bad patterns. Patterns are not simply what people refer too as ‘habits’. Habits though having patterns of their own, reside within the a deeper concept of patterns (as conceptualised ...

The importance of patterns

Patterns in general, are important in life because wherever we find them they allow for a certain kind of predictability. Come on – if you know someone very well it is not uncommon to know how they might react to something you say or do. You must recall a certain tone in one of your ...