Articles for tag: personal, management, value, relationships, time, time-wasting, discipline

The value of personal time.

In our quest to make the most of our personal time, we often find ourselves gravitating towards activities that bring us pleasure, satisfaction, and a sense of purpose. Whether it’s indulging in leisure pursuits, exploring creative outlets, or engaging in community service, the ways we choose to spend our free time are deeply intertwined with ...

When the Earth has an itch?

I’ve been observing the Earth for some time – I’d say for approximately 40 years or so. Before that I was pretty much ‘asleep’ – yuh know, busy and wrapped up with so much other stuff. It has occurred to me, especially in the last 20 years, how we are destroying our planet. Did I ...

What does it mean to be human?

This is not an easy issue to address. It must be about the balance of human strengths and weaknesses. The mindmaps below represent a few months of thinking in the background, based on years of experience. They are not meant to be exhaustive. Mindmaps may be updated at any time.  Where ideas are borrowed or ...

Decisions and consequences

Why do people make decisions at all? What to cook, when to cook, what car to buy, what phone, what action to take, what job, when to give notice.. and so on. Life is full of decisions. Ultimately most people in their ordinary lives make decisions because they wish for some advantage to themselves or ...

Captain Walker


Over the last year I’ve been observing that important thing called words. Yes – I mean spoken written and any other form of words. There is a problem. In this new ‘information era‘ people have been hanging on to words for dear life. Words have a way of being misunderstood, especially if delivered without any ...

What if you were possessed?

What if one day you suddenly had an awakening that you weren’t the person you thought you are? Suppose that you found out that your thoughts and feelings were being controlled or manipulated from a source other than yourself? And that all these years you didn’t know about it? You now wake up to a ...

Why Star Trek Voyager?

Recently I’ve become re-addicted to Star Trek Voyager. In fact I had not seen Series 5 to 7 so it was just great to catch up. Voyager is like no other Star Trek spin off. Those who still recall and admire the original Star Trek and can’t unstick themselves from Captain Kirk, Dr McCoy and ...

The silly games people play

I’m often amused by human nature, in particular the silly games people play. I often wonder why these games are played and to what end. So what’s this all about now? You’ll have to hang on or go bathe that dog and return or just bugger off completely – innit? For sometime I’ve been observing ...