Articles for tag: quotations, stupidity, human nature, people, rules

Captain Walker

50 rules for life!

Well, Jordan Peterson has his ‘12 Rules for Life‘. The Ferengi have their ‘Rules of Acquisition‘, so I just got a bee in my bonnet and created my 50 rules! Rule #1: “A closed mouth gathers no feet.” Rule #2: “Never trust anyone who says ‘trust me.'” Rule #3: “Efficiency is the highest form of ...

To be or not to be..

I never read English Literature in my early days. That’s sad. It was a choice between ‘Sciences’ and ‘Literature’ –  a very sad bifurcation over which I had no control. However, now in these later years I can appreciate what I missed.   “To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether ’tis nobler ...

Captain Walker

Thoughts for tomorrow

“No one wants to spend whole mornings in committees whose conclusions will never be noticed, or will be overruled.” –  Handy 1999 Attitude is “a mental and neural state of readiness to respond which is organised through experience and exerts a directive and/or dynamic influence on behaviour”. – Engel and Blackwell 1982

Captain Walker

Thought for tomorrow

Where there is ‘smoke’ there may also be malicious trouble-makers – not necessarily ‘fire’. – Captain Walker (Aug 2013). p.s. It’s amazing how an image gets people thinking more than words – eh? Wow – now imaginations are gonna run wild – yuh know, as if the image has something to do with the quotation. ...