Articles for tag: appearance, reality, cognition, thought, inferences, perception, bias

I’m still a taxi man to some!

Following on from August 2023, when I said ‘I’m an Uber driver‘, another situation arose today around 19:15PM. I am obviously not in control over what people may perceive and then draw a probable interference. Something about my appearance or that taken together with the colour or shape or model of my car, led to ...

The dangers of perception

As some will not know, perception, truth, reality, decision-making and related things have occupied me a lot on this blog. Why this post today? I’ve been trying to work out how some people perceive me to be nice, and others perceive me to be arrogant, condescending, patronising and narcissistic. People see different sides of me ...

The problem of human perception

In other places in this blog I’ve written about the problems of perception. I had said that people take what’s in their heads as reality. Of course, ‘people’ wouldn’t have liked that because they think that they know that ideas are not real. But actions speak louder than words. In too many instances I’ve seen ...


If you’re looking for a lecture on ‘post-truth’, stop – then move on quickly to avoid wasting your time! I’ve been reading around the concept of post-truth for some time. I made passing mention of it here on 25th December 2019. There are several books on the topic, out there. I recently came across Lee ...

Hacking reality

I’m obviously on a roll, with the topic of reality. From mid-June I’ve looked at various aspects of ‘reality’ from psychological and philosophical perspectives. Tough – I’m not providing links to those posts. What – everybody wants to be spoon fed. It ain’t happening! So – in the last week I’ve also been looking at ...

Why is reality a hard place?

Reality is a topic I’ve visited before on this blog. However, having searched the site I find that I have not explored ‘why reality is a hard place’. A few days ago I explored the blur between fantasy and reality. In that post I explained how I saw reality. So, I won’t go over that. ...

Captain Walker

The harshness of reality and fantasy.

This morning I’m moved by a very introspective and  investigative-of-the-human-condition blog  – or so I see it.  See: Remembering Cobain. [And to be 200% clear I am not saying that the author wrote the blog with the angle that I see it, even if my perception is co-incidentally correct. This particular post comes with a ...

Captain Walker

Of paranoia, lethargy and reality

It’s an amazing age of the internet; the greatest time to be alive and to make one’s presence known – but.. but..these are dangerous times!! If you get your image or personal details out there on the internet, bad things will happen to you. People will find you, harass you, stalk you, send you stuff ...