Articles for tag: quotations, stupidity, human nature, people, rules

Captain Walker

50 rules for life!

Well, Jordan Peterson has his ‘12 Rules for Life‘. The Ferengi have their ‘Rules of Acquisition‘, so I just got a bee in my bonnet and created my 50 rules! Rule #1: “A closed mouth gathers no feet.” Rule #2: “Never trust anyone who says ‘trust me.'” Rule #3: “Efficiency is the highest form of ...

Told to leave Aldi if I want

This report is 100% honest, and is quite probably caught on more than one CCTV camera. I’m naming Aldi and if they want to sue for defamation, bring it on! Their lawyers are advised in advance to read up on the law of defamation and that I have my lawyers ready for them. I was ...

Is justification the root of all evil?

Justification according the Oxford Dictionary means: “The action of showing something to be right or reasonable.” However, that definition does not cut to the validity of method or quality of reasoning. Justification (my concept of it): It comprises reasoning. The form of reasoning is aimed at achieving an end. Reasoning need not be sound but ...