Articles for tag: PayPal, spending, money, amazon, control, cash, purchases, credit cards, debit cards

Captain Walker

Money 2.0

There’s been some recent excitement in cyberspace about a ‘new kind of money’. Some may be familiar with the term ‘Bitcoin’. Others are scratching their heads, whilst another lot are reaching for bottles of Valium and clutching their wallets, while lying spread eagle across their mattresses. I expect to be warned about ‘Bitcoin’ and crypto-currencies, ...

Captain Walker


The situation in the taxi actually begins on the morning of 2012-02-01. This was the first day of my three-day conference at The Hilton in Gateshead. It was cold so I decided to take a taxi from City Express Hotels to the Hilton at Gateshead. I called Budget Taxi’s. A taxi marked Budget Taxi’s arrived ...

Captain Walker

Save on the cost of drinking

If you’re looking to save money on alcohol, kindly move on and read no more. If you’re looking to save up to £5/week on drinking water and fizz, this could be of interest to you. This is a collection my tips for saving on soft-drinks (including water) at meals. At the outset see how £1 ...