Articles for tag: freedom, humanity, krishnamurti, being, spirituality, mind

Captain Walker

Jiddu Krishnamurti – the pathless land.

[ez-toc]I often go back and view materials (text and video) on Jiddu JK (JK). See my other post from 2020 – JK the reluctant messiah where unfortunately YouTube has pulled most of the videos. This post is something of a review and update. Just to be clear, I do not see JK as my spiritual ...

Why Star Trek Voyager?

Recently I’ve become re-addicted to Star Trek Voyager. In fact I had not seen Series 5 to 7 so it was just great to catch up. Voyager is like no other Star Trek spin off. Those who still recall and admire the original Star Trek and can’t unstick themselves from Captain Kirk, Dr McCoy and ...

Captain Walker

35 years a slave

This morning I got off a plane at London Gatwick and from there these thoughts come to be generated. I missed a bus to take me to my flypark hotel where my car was parked, whilst I was vacationing in the Caribbean. I didn’t think it was cost efficient for me to wait an hour ...

Captain Walker

Short shrift–will I be arrested?

Well, this morning I’m making myself a late breakfast in my kitchen at about 10:55 AM. It’s Saturday.  As I glance through my window, from behind my curtains, I could see that there are two people at my front door. It’s two old ladies. Well they look old and they look female so there is ...

Captain Walker

The exploitation of hope

The title for this blog just ‘hit me’ and I had to write this. So I put everything else on hold. At the outset, I need to say that I have nothing against ‘hope’ in itself. Our society and our achievements are based on aspirations. We had to have some hope and some ‘dream’ to ...

Captain Walker

Freedom lost? Martin Luther King–I remember!

Like pearl being trampled by swine – grunting that this was ‘just about America’ – many a crawler on Rocks big and small forget this important day in history. A man spoke,  a man died – for our freedom!! A man spoke the truth. And the truth survives even death!! On this day I shed ...

Captain Walker

The Scotland trek

This took place between end of June to 9th July. Yes, some will have figured that the Cap and Jumbie were there at the same time. ‘Twas a life-changing experience. Enjoy some of the scenes below. But video and photographs cannot truly approximate the raw beauty and expanse of Scotland.

Captain Walker

Chief Tecumseh’s words of wisdom

So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service ...