Articles for tag: time, truth, covid, matrix, movies, Jordan Peterson, video

Captain Walker

In five words

Apparently – people are now so busy that they are unable to view videos I send them via YouTube links. I recently sent the following video interview to several following on the post ‘Why I am proud to be a conspiracy theorist‘. Whoops – that’s approximately 2 hours long  – TERRIBLE for those who have ...

Musk threatens to go thermonuclear!

Wow! I’m just loving Musk for what he is doing with Twitter. It is world changing! See what the WSJ says (link may not survive forever). Of course not everybody will understand or appreciate. My bias has always been for freedom of expression. I nor Musk never said unrestricted free speech! FFS! So what happened? ...

Captain Walker

Nail biting technology!

Lots of people do not know that they can take a video on their phones and upload it directly to YouTube. Most people will have a panic attack first. Required: A functioning brain of average intelligence. Sound internet connection via 4G or WiFi. A good performing phone. Heavy doses of Valium or grog for those ...

A classic example of how the mind works

If you’re looking for a lecture on how the mind works, you’re definitely in the wrong place. Move on swiftly to avoid angst. The TED session  below came up on my YouTube. Initially I thought this was about how to appreciate classical music. Well, yes some of it is about that but that’s not nearly ...

Neat trick with Camtasia and Snagit

Some people – there are always ‘some people’ – will not know about Camtasia and Snagit. The Semmelweis reflex takes care of that lot. The way it works is that if you hear about something that sounds technical or comes from somebody you think is a nerd, you move on swiftly. After all ‘what’s it ...

The AC-12 Interviews

The two videos below are considered to hold lots of truth by many people. I fear that eventually they may be removed from the YouTube Channel – Led by Donkeys. Therefore I have preserved them and copied links to them on YouTube. Full credits and praise to the Channel. 

Captain Walker

Truth in sick humour

Well as I’ve said so many times, the truth knows no restraint and respects no confines. George Carlin – is famous for sick humour. The clip below is one of his finest. It’s not intended for Brits, who from my experience find difficulty seeing below sick American humour – and who are easily offended by ...