Articles for tag: mature, caution, people, words, rude, offensive, mnemonic, trouble, appropriate


What the hell does that mean? It means (obviously) ‘You Do Not Need To Read This Now‘ 😂🤣 Yeah – I’ve been having fun with some mnemonics lately. In this post contains a massive list. When using mnemonics in chat conversations, it’s important to consider your audience and the context of the conversation. Common mnemonics ...

Captain Walker

Recent new words

I’m always fascinated to learn new words. When I say ‘new’ I mean words that I did not know or use, or words that I had forgotten about. The following is a recent list, which is being updated as I discover new words: Ham-fisted Bucolic Hagiography Obstreperous Rapscallion  Bloviation Skedaddle Sinecure This post is not ...

The Barnum Effect

Some will be reaching for Google and dictionaries on this. Some fine examples of Barnum statements, “Humans a not perfect“, or “Everybody makes mistakes – are you perfect?” or “Not everybody is a scientist.” The words seem to hold a truth held dear by ordinary people. But in essence they lack depth by the way ...

Comprehension is dead

In a previous post, I had reason to conclude that ‘Reading is dead‘.  Of course one can read and understand nothing! The social media era has seen a destruction of both reading as a physical act of moving the eyes across the page and decoding words – but also people don’t even understand what words ...

Words are cheap

Yes words are cheap. It don’t cost much to say, “I care” or “I’m sorry” or “I love you“. You don’t have to pay to say these sorts of things. It is totally free! And somebody is gonna say ‘obviously’. Well, tough! I’ll say the obvious. I was going to write this blog as ‘What ...

How to talk down to people

Right – so I’m at a hotel over a few days for the purposes of work.  Yesterday 30th June 2021 around 19:00PM, I asked the receptionist if I could have a small package delivered from Amazon. She said “Yes – no problem I’ll put it on the system“.  I saw her type it into the ...