Articles for tag: stupidity, WTF, mind games, human nature, people, , logic, mind

Arrogant again

Oh well, here we go again. Another social media conversation ending with me being called arrogant. The outline is below. So it made me wonder again what is the definition of ‘arrogant’ – and by extension condescending. There’s a wide open information superhighway where anyone can find the dictionary meaning. Google is your friend. Ahhh.. ...

Trouble in Oldham

One or more of the following videos (below) is expected to a 90% probability, to disappear within the next 3 months from Youtube. Just to be clear – that means there is a 10% probability that they will remain. Did I make a prediction? I did NOT! I made a statement estimating probability! Jeeez. And ...

Another knock on the door

Well no, they did not come to arrest me. So like again, there is another knock on the door yesterday. I peep out without opening my outer door, to see who’s there. Two females [This does not mean I’m sexist! They actually appeared to be females, and it is not my business to go do ...

Hounded by idiots – again!

Just watch this conversation below which happened just a few minutes ago. I think I have a problem. I’m being hounded by idiots!! Caller: Hello how are you? [In a polite tone] Me: Who’s calling please. Caller: Xxxx from [whatever ] Me: Someone from your organisation called yesterday – I don’t think it was you. ...

Captain Walker

Anti-social media

The more I look at and think about so-called ‘social media’ the more I come to some very different perspectives (in general – meaning exceptions excepted as you might expect). 1. Social media is more about prying on what other people are doing. 2. People comparing themselves with other people. 3. Living in separate worlds ...

The importance of patterns

Patterns in general, are important in life because wherever we find them they allow for a certain kind of predictability. Come on – if you know someone very well it is not uncommon to know how they might react to something you say or do. You must recall a certain tone in one of your ...

Captain Walker

Email can be a time waster

Within the last 24 hours I received an  email from someone asking for some thing or the other. It caused a waste of my time. How? 1. I had to read it about 4 times in attempting to understand what was being asked. 2. In the end I did not understand. 3. I had to ...

Captain Walker

Still stalked by idiots!!

The sequence below is so basic. There was an error on their site which led to their offer of 50% discount not being applied properly. I begged them to take a careful look at it and had even provided them with screenshots. This is to their sales department. In essence they could not see the ...