Articles for tag: video, youtube, truth, deception, lies, politics

The AC-12 Interviews

The two videos below are considered to hold lots of truth by many people. I fear that eventually they may be removed from the YouTube Channel – Led by Donkeys. Therefore I have preserved them and copied links to them on YouTube. Full credits and praise to the Channel. 

Captain Walker

Who is malala?

She is the 16 year daughter of a BBC reporter in Pakistan – now working in the UK. Her dream was to become a doctor. Her life almost came to an abrupt end. Malala was targeted and shot in the head in Parkistan by the Taleban on 9th October 2012 (one year ago) for promoting ...

Captain Walker

Truth in sick humour

Well as I’ve said so many times, the truth knows no restraint and respects no confines. George Carlin – is famous for sick humour. The clip below is one of his finest. It’s not intended for Brits, who from my experience find difficulty seeing below sick American humour – and who are easily offended by ...