Captain Walker

Cleaning up MS Word document

documents, technology, tip, software, microsoft

This is one part of a strategy to clean up a MS Word document (ver 2019 and later).

Too often I receive documents that have loads of double paragraphs, double-spaces between text, or a leading space at the beginning of a paragraph. Those are annoying. Today I deal with leading white spaces. This is only at the beginning of a paragraph – I have to repeat myself – only at the beginning of a paragraph. To do this press CTRL + H in MS word, expand options and do what is in the screenshot below. [For luddites: do not press three buttons on keyboard at once. Press: CTRL [for less than 0.5 seconds], keep finger on CTRL, then quickly tap H on the keyboard. Yes – it’s basically tapping on two keys.]

Do I care if the above can be modified for other purposes? No. Call me names, like ‘pigheaded’ etc for just satisfaction. I do not give a flying flamingo – nor do I take a flying flamingo. End of!