Articles for tag: money, energy, cost, electricity, gas, saving

Given the chop!

Well, in solidarity with everybody who is struggling with energy and food bills, I decided to give English Heritage the chop – thus saving £66/yr. Some will not understand. I should attempt some mind reading, of those who would judge me. I’ll call for help! Here comes ‘help’. Stupid: Oh come off it! You can ...

The big game and you are not in it.

I can bet a few quid and I’d win that some who click on these videos below will go, “Who he? Never heard of him. I’m not a financial analyst. I need to get back to Netflix – sorry.” That’s lovely! Your world is being ruled by forces that you don’t have time to know ...

Captain Walker

I am so cheap

A couple days ago, someone suggested that I get out over the bank holiday weekend to a local restaurant. Calm down – they weren’t inviting me out or hinting at an invitation. They suggested I get a nice steak. I said, “No way. The restaurant would charge me about £20 for the same meal I ...

Captain Walker

Don’t bother to save 50% on your food bill.

Some people want to save money on food and some don’t. In my recent bill below I saved 69%. Obviously, I won’t get that saving every time. But the more savings I make; they will add up. It was on food that was reduced-price, around 16:30PM on a Sunday.  There are other days and times ...

Captain Walker

Future loss to present cost ratio

Okay – so I have nothing better to do on a Sunday morning than think about this. And yes – I do ‘have a life’! Some advert came in from Argos on new TVs. I don’t even need a new TV. I click on the advert and came across a 75-inch  Samsung  TV  for  £900(£899 ...

What exactly is money?

I’ve explored money before. Some say, “Everybody knows what money is.. so why ask stupid questions about it?” For simpletons, money is coin or cash in hand, or credit in the bank – end off. If that’s you, then kindly depart now. This is not a tutorial on money or how to make money. If ...